Pets get startled by unknown sudden noises and they react adversely and could hurt themselves or others in the process. Understanding this behavioral trait of a pet is important to help her be calm and stay happy.
Recognizing a tummy-twisting emergency in your dog
Gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV) is an acute, life-threatening condition that primarily affects large-breed and giant-breed dogs. Immediate medical and surgical intervention is required to optimize the chance of survival.
The first video discusses what signs they should be on the lookout for in their dogs that mean an emergency visit to the veterinarian is called for, now!
The second video discusses what steps they can be taking to make sure this never ever happens to their precious pups in the first place. A prophylactic gastropexy is always an option, but there are some steps your clients can be taking themselves to prevent GDV.
Daily Check-up
Dogs are lovely companions. A healthy, happy dog is a joy to behold. And as with us illnesses caught early the better. So how do you know whether all is well with your dog.
Well, check these 10 points everyday and you’ll know when the next trip to the dog is warranted.
Eyes are the windows to the soul or rather an ‘insight’ into the inside of your dog.
A healthy dog will have clean eye without any discharge or tears. Tear stains are a clear indication of tearing eyes, not normal.
Dogs see the world through their noses… Their sense of smell is one of the
most developed of their senses and far, far superior than ours. What is even more interesting is, that even the shape of their noses further enhances their ability to smell. Goes without saying then, how very important the health of the nose is to a dog.
A clean, moist, discharge free nose is a healthy nose.
What is one without the other? (lame joke…) Canine teeth are a powerful set, quite able to tear apart anything they set their mind to. Case to point your
furniture, footwear, beds, clothes… whatever caught Fido’s fancy… Jokes apart the health of a dog’s gums and teeth is intricately linked to with the health of number of other systems. A number of health issues can be eliminated if the
dog’s gums & teeth are healthy. Unhealthy gums & teeth may be indicative of diseases far more grave than bad breath!!
Pink gums with no bleeding encasing sparkling white (no discoloration) teeth are healthy.
Have you heard that joke… my dog will sleep through the kids throwing a tantrum, through a party, through the neighbors musical experiments, but pick a packet of chips five rooms away and he’ll be there before your through with opening it!!
Hearing the other highly developed sense that a dog has. Dogs can hear noises from four times the distance of an average Joe. Four times!! And of course at far higher and lower frequencies. How to keep them from not losing this amazing ability!!!
Keep their ears clean and healthy. And how does a health ear look, pink without wax, dirt or any smell.
Have ever run your hand through your dogs coat? Silly question. Of course your have. Is there anything more calming? Of course not. Clean, smooth coat, without any ticks, fleas, pimples or growths! How wonderful it is to run your hand through such a coat.
And did you know that Bella loves you running your hands through her coat just as much or more than you do?
What goes in comes out. Crass but true. Feed your dog good, nutritive, veterinarian recommended food and your dog’s stools and urine should be normal. If they are not you know something is wrong. Normal excreta, healthy dog, plain and simple.
Well formed, yellowish-orange, but not red, brown or black stools are normal. Urine should be clear or light yellow, well flowing and without any blood in it.
A dog’s behavior is the biggest indication of his good health. A health dog is happy and alert. An unhealthy one likely to be sluggish, snappy or very quite and brooding.
So watch your dog and see what he is trying to tell you. Hear him/her right and you will like avert emergencies from happening.
Happy pet keeping